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Love and Goodness

Sharing God's Gifts with Others



This new book is about love (God at work in our lives) and goodness (our response to that love).

Love and goodness are the most important ingredients in the management of our lives.

They make life special as they guide us to people we care deeply about, 

people we can help in some way, and the career/role we select for our life.


People all over the world need to evaluate

the level of love and goodness coming from their lives.

Goodness seems to be deficient, even missing, in many people these days.

As a result, the world is becoming a more troubled place.


This book is an effort to motivate readers to increase the level

of love and goodness coming from their lives and, in so doing,

to make the world a better place.



Life in America--and in the world for that matter--is changing.​

We are witnessing more public conflicts,

encountering a significant increase in crime, and

experiencing less caring for one another.


We need to stop and think about what is taking place.

We need to start living our lives in more loving and caring ways.

We need more goodness in this world.






____God's Love____

God loves us unconditionally and wants us to have

lives that are meaningful to us and helpful to others.

God's love speaks to us through our hearts

and guides our lives in special ways.


____Our Goodness____

God has given each of us a spirit of goodness

that works to motivate us to help others in some way.

It is our responsibility not to neglect our spirit of goodness,

but to cultivate and expand its role in our lives.



The book is dedicated to the hope

that one day soon

the people in this world will fully awaken

to the presence of God's love in their lives

and, as a result, increase the level of goodness

their lives impart.



Be the reason someone smiles.

Be the reason someone feels loved. 

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness in people.

​Roy T. Bennett




Why is goodness diminishing in the lives of many people these days?

People Moving Away from God.

Unintentionally or otherwise, the people in this world are

moving away from God instead of working to understand

God and following where God is leading them and their

lives to go. As an example, over the past 25 years the

percentage of the US population that attends church regularly has fallen from above 70% to below 50% and is continuing to decline.


Failure to Understand that God Put Us Here to Help Others, Not Hurt Them.

As this was being written, there were 32 major conflicts going on in the world including 18 terrorist insurgencies, 9 civil wars, 2 drug wars, 2 wars between countries, and 1 ethnic fighting collectively resulting in thousands of people being killed each day. In addition, crimes and murders are increasing in almost every major city and country in the world. You'd think that we would would be more caring than to hurt others in this way.


The Influence of Misguided Information on the Internet.

For many years, most of the information that influenced our lives came from our parents, teachers, and family. However, those circumstances have changed. Today, most of the information that influences our lives, especially the younger ones among us, comes via the internet. Granted, some of it is helpful, but an ever increasing amount is influencing us in detrimental ways.


What Happens If We Don't Do Anything?

At best, the quality of life continues to deteriorate throughout the world, At worst, we have major conflicts that kill a lot of people while accomplishing nothing worthwhile. We can do so much better than we are doing now.


Publishing of Love and Goodness.

We are working to help people increase the level of love and goodness in their lives.  Reading our book provides an opportunity for people to become more aware of the need for love and goodness in their lives and that helping others is the most important thing they will ever do.


aborting goodness, being honest, better deeds, better living, better words, caring for others, choices and goodness, Chris Pepple, feeling it, God’s Spirit, good choices, good deed, good words, guided by goodness, hate vs. goodness, helping others, kindness matters, life lessons, little things count, Living with Goodness, Michael Nelson, personal development, personal growth , personal reflection, self improvement, activating the goodness in your life, label less love more, value the person you are, beating the odds, finding your life’s purpose, being a good example, one of the least among us.
aborting goodness, being honest, better deeds, better living, better words, caring for others, choices and goodness, Chris Pepple, feeling it, God’s Spirit, good choices, good deed, good words, guided by goodness, hate vs. goodness, helping others, kindness matters, life lessons, little things count, Living with Goodness, Michael Nelson, personal development, personal growth , personal reflection, self improvement, activating the goodness in your life, label less love more, value the person you are, beating the odds, finding your life’s purpose, being a good example, one of the least among us.

Increase Your Focus on Goodness


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Our New Book

Love and Goodness

Sharing God's Gifts with Others


O God, grant us in all our doubts and uncertainties,

the grace to ask what you would have us do;

that our spirit of goodness

may save us from all false choices.





A Word from the Author of Love and Goodness

My wish and my prayer for you is that God's love will become an important and noticeable part of your life. I hope you will, in turn share your goodness with the world by helping others in some way. My hope is that we will see the day when people everywhere are working together to make the world a better place for everyone. May God signal you in special ways as you make the choices that allow you to become an important part of this love and goodness work.

-Michael Nelson

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